Saturday, August 8, 2009

Masterpiece by Elise Broach

After Marvin, a beetle,makes a miniature drawing as an eleventh birthday gift for James, a human with whom he shares a house, the two new friends work together to help recover an Albrecht Dürer drawing stolen from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


  1. A few paragraphs into this book I though, "oh great, a Desperaux wanna be." A few pages in, it was beetles, not mice. Couldn't put it down? I could, actually. And did, several times.

  2. This book wasn't a "page turner" for me either, but I liked the idea of a family or a couple families of bugs living under the sink.

  3. I didnt really enjoy this book very much i thought it didnt have much dialouge for me but i would still recommend it to people who like thes types of books.

    6-2 AB
